Friday, October 20, 2017

Anjali-Khan Academy

Khan academy

One day my dad’s friend Sagar uncle told me about this website called “Khan Academy”. My father created an account for me and showed me videos on Sal Khan (Salman Khan), the founder of Khan Academy. I started off with Math .I continued for some six to seven days and stopped. After almost a year I got back and learnt about world wars and history for a month. Again I lost interest and discontinued. Then one day when I opened my account and started browsing through the subjects I found JavaScript. I enjoyed it so much! With Pamela teaching me to draw nothing could be better. Then I did SQL I loved it too. But the best programming languages will always be HTML and CSS for me. Learning on Khan Academy gave me a new perspective about teaching, creativity, resilience and confidence. I owe a lot to Khan Academy.

The link :Khan academy

One video from Sal Khan:

1 comment:

Abhinay Renny said...

Anjali encouraged me to create an account in Khan academy, and assisted me to do a course in "HTML" :D :D